Contest - Being Original
What is the contest:
Being original is an important aspect in a Christian’s life. Christians are challenged everyday to demonstrate their originality to the rest of the world, whether it is through their faith, their lives, and/or their actions in the community. It is your challenge to come up with something that will demonstrate this originality in one, or more, of the three categories mentioned (i.e. faith, lives, community). You should note that these three categories are connected to each other, so if you choose to present a mix of the three, you must indicate how your idea shows originality in each category.
For example, if you choose to demonstrate original faith, you might want to write a story of someone who has had their belief challenged by someone else. If you choose to pick original lives, you can make a documentary of someone who you think demonstrates living a true life. For original community, you might want to choose to write something about the services that your church is providing, which helps the community in a unique way. It is up to you to decide what you want to focus on and how you want to present it. What was mentioned are ONLY EXAMPLES, so do not feel like you have to do them.
How to present your ideas:
There are no restrictions on how you are to present your ideas, but the following must be followed if you are to use one of these forms of presentation:
What you will be evaluated on:
Creativity 10
Spiritual Relevance 15
Relevance to the theme 15
Clear and effective message 10
Total 50
Going over the stated limits will result in mark deductions
Where and how to submit your entry
Electronic media (includes video, music, essay/story, and graphic design
All electronic media are to be submitted via email to [email protected]
Please include the names of the group members and your church in your email.
If the file is too large to be sent via email, please send us an email indicating so, and we will find a way to resolve the problem.
Non-electronic media (such as posters or drawings)
All non-electronic media are to be given to your church reps, with an email to [email protected] indicating your hard copy submission to your church Rep
Contest prizes:
1st place: $250 gift certificate
2nd place: $150 gift certificate
3rd place: $100 gift certificate
Winners will be announced at the convention!
Contest deadline:
Terms and Conditions:
All entries become property of OCYC and will not be displayed at the convention unless permission is given. By submitting an entry, the author relinquishes any right to the entry submitted. Entries will not be returned to their composers. The committee reserves the right the absolute right to reproduce any entry in any format. By submitting an entry, all composers are deemed to have read, understood, and agreed to abide by these terms.
Being original is an important aspect in a Christian’s life. Christians are challenged everyday to demonstrate their originality to the rest of the world, whether it is through their faith, their lives, and/or their actions in the community. It is your challenge to come up with something that will demonstrate this originality in one, or more, of the three categories mentioned (i.e. faith, lives, community). You should note that these three categories are connected to each other, so if you choose to present a mix of the three, you must indicate how your idea shows originality in each category.
For example, if you choose to demonstrate original faith, you might want to write a story of someone who has had their belief challenged by someone else. If you choose to pick original lives, you can make a documentary of someone who you think demonstrates living a true life. For original community, you might want to choose to write something about the services that your church is providing, which helps the community in a unique way. It is up to you to decide what you want to focus on and how you want to present it. What was mentioned are ONLY EXAMPLES, so do not feel like you have to do them.
How to present your ideas:
There are no restrictions on how you are to present your ideas, but the following must be followed if you are to use one of these forms of presentation:
- Video: maximum 2-3 mins (includes video recorded skits)
- Music: maximum 2 mins
- Essay/story: maximum 3 pages double spaced
- Poster presentation: No restriction
- Drawing: you must include an explanation of the drawing
What you will be evaluated on:
Creativity 10
Spiritual Relevance 15
Relevance to the theme 15
Clear and effective message 10
Total 50
Going over the stated limits will result in mark deductions
Where and how to submit your entry
Electronic media (includes video, music, essay/story, and graphic design
All electronic media are to be submitted via email to [email protected]
Please include the names of the group members and your church in your email.
If the file is too large to be sent via email, please send us an email indicating so, and we will find a way to resolve the problem.
Non-electronic media (such as posters or drawings)
All non-electronic media are to be given to your church reps, with an email to [email protected] indicating your hard copy submission to your church Rep
Contest prizes:
1st place: $250 gift certificate
2nd place: $150 gift certificate
3rd place: $100 gift certificate
Winners will be announced at the convention!
Contest deadline:
Terms and Conditions:
All entries become property of OCYC and will not be displayed at the convention unless permission is given. By submitting an entry, the author relinquishes any right to the entry submitted. Entries will not be returned to their composers. The committee reserves the right the absolute right to reproduce any entry in any format. By submitting an entry, all composers are deemed to have read, understood, and agreed to abide by these terms.